Xylitol: good for you, not your dog

We love xylitol, and xylitol loves us, but unfortunately it’s not the same love story for dogs. Sadly, when it comes to the canine clan xylitol can have a similar effect to chocolate, so we should make sure that any products containing xylitol, including Peppersmith, stay out of the paws of our furry friends.  Read on to find out why.

Dogs are different 

Dogs have very different metabolisms from us and that means there are lots of foods that are perfectly safe for people but can be harmful to dogs. These include chocolate, grapes, avocados, garlic, onions, macadamia nuts and xylitol.

Many of us have pets, including some of the gang here at Peppersmith, so we know as well as anyone that dogs have inquisitive natures (combined with a wish to investigate everything with their mouths). Plus, they often have big appetites. Every year the Veterinary Poisons Information Service (VPIS) has over 1000 cases reported by owners who are concerned that their dogs have eaten foods that are potentially harmful. The majority of these reports are concerning chocolate and sultanas but about 10% are reports of dogs having eaten xylitol.

How serious is the effect of xylitol on dogs?

According to the VPIS, the seriousness really depends on how much xylitol the dog eats compared with its weight. They provide details of one case of an 8-year-old Labrador who had eaten 3 cupcakes made by their diabetic owner. These cupcakes contained approximately 33.6g of xylitol. On admission to the vets 11 hours later he suffered hypoglycaemia but recovered fully within 5 days. Thankfully the VPIS haven’t reported any cases of dogs dying or having to be put down – but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been any unreported cases.

Xylitol: for humans only 

The good news is that we think most people know that our mints and gum are for people only and are not to be given to our canine pals. If you do have a dog that likes to snoop around your handbag or your kitchen cupboards then make sure you keep your Peppersmith high up out of their reach.

The post Xylitol: good for you, not your dog appeared first on Peppersmith.

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