Black Friday: time for giving back?

Black Friday. A day that’s often known for big discounts, crazy queues, and occasionally, hysteria over discounted TVs. It’s also something that we question every year whether to take part in or not.

We don’t deny there’s a place for promotions like this, but we also think there’s more to life than buying more stuff, for less money. Couldn’t we also give back to those that might need it more than we do?

So this year, we’ve decided to do something a little different.

We’ll still be offering a discount (15% off), but on top of this, we’re also donating £1 per case and 25p per pouch to the people fleeing the crisis in Myanmar.

Why the Myanmar crisis? 

The scale of the violence and displacement faced by those fleeing Myanmar has really struck the team at Peppersmith HQ. The latest estimates state that over half a million, mostly women and children, have fled the violence. It’s easy to feel powerless in the face of something so huge, but when we came across the work of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), we saw a way that we might be able to do something, however small, to help.

If you’d like to understand more about the crisis then we found this article useful.

Where will the money go?

The money will be donated directly to the Disasters Emergency Committee, who are working to help refugees now living in Bangladeshi camps after fleeing Myanmar. Donations will fund shelter, food, water and medical care.

  • £30 could provide emergency shelter for one family
  • £50 could provide one family with hygiene essentials
  • £100 could provide 2 families with food for a month

(Info from www.dec.org)

So how does it work?

Just head to the shop, pick your products and use the code GIVEBACK15 at the checkout. We’ll then donate £1 from each case you buy, and 25p from each 50g pouch to the DEC. You don’t need to do anything else.

Thanks for your support.

We’ll be keeping you updated on how much money you’ve helped us raise via email and on social. You can also visit the DEC’s website to read more about their work across the globe.

The post Black Friday: time for giving back? appeared first on Peppersmith.

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