The daily dozen: how to get your plant-based fix

If you know us, you probably know we really care about keeping teeth healthy. But we don’t only love oral care, we like to get stuck into all aspects of living a healthy lifestyle. So, with inspiration from Dr. Michael Greger’s most recent book ‘How Not to Die’, we’ve put together a little health guide. In the book, Greger created the Daily Dozen which includes a list of essential plant foods you should aim to eat every day for optimal health benefits. To help you cram all these great nutrients into your diet, we’ve suggested recipes and ideas for how to get your dozen into your daily regime.

healthy, veggies, veg, fruity, healthy eating, wholefoods, plant based, vegan, nutrients

1. Beans: 

Soya beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, tofu etc.

2. Berries

Grapes, raisins, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries etc.

3. Other Fruits 

Apples, tomatoes, avocados, bananas, oranges, melons, lemons, plums, watermelon, dates etc.
Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, rocket, brussels sprouts etc.
  • Change things up instead of boiling and steaming veg. Try roasting your broccoli/cauli for a deep nutty flavour. Line a bake tray, cut up your cruciferous veg into florets, drizzle over some extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with smoked paprika and turmeric spices (go easy on the salt folks). Roast at 180 degrees until crispy .

5. Greens

Spring greens, kale, rocket, spinach, salad greens, swiss chard etc.
  • A quick go to green juice is a great way to pack in vitamins and nutrients into your daily regime. Here's a superfood recipe by Hemsley&hemsley that we love - http://www.hemsleyandhemsley.com/recipe/winter-green-smoothie/. Or, even easier, chuck in a handful of fresh spinach leaves into your pre-packed lunch.

6. Other Veg

Peppers, beetroot, carrots, sweetcorn, garlic, onion, mushroom, butternut, sweet potato etc.

nutrients, healthy, nuts, grains, wholegrains, fitness, fit, wholefoods

7. Flax-seeds

Golden or brown
  • Ground up flax-seed is always preferred to get its maximum nutrients. Try adding one tbsp to your smoothies or yogurt pots. It’ll top up your fibre intake.

8. Nuts and seeds

Almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, hazelnuts, macadamias etc.
  • Peanut or almond butter. Spread it onto anything, and everything. Enough said. There's loads to choose from, but our favourites are https://www.pipandnut.com/jars/. You’ll get lost in their nutty deliciousness, we sure did.

9. Spices

Allspice, basil, bay leaves, cumin, curry powder, paprika, ginger, coriander, saffron, sage, turmeric etc.
  • Its so easy to incorporate spices into your meals, check out the roasted veg recipe above under ‘curciferous veg’. Cinnamon is great, simply add ½ tsp to your morning porridge or overnight oats.

10. Whole grains

Barley, brown rice, wild rice, brown pasta, oats, millet, whole wheat pasta, quinoa etc. 

11. Liquid

Water, coffee, green tea, herbal teas etc.

12. Exercise

  • Go rock climbing, get a standing desk, spring clean the house. Pretty much whatever gets you moving.

reading, book review, daily dozen, we recommend

100% plant based not your thing? No problem. There’s plenty of ways you can incorporate all these awesome tips into your daily routine whilst including a little meat and dairy too. If you want to find out more from where this came from, get yourself a copy of Michael’s book. We thoroughly recommend.

Inspiration and reference from Dr. Michael Greger
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