Sourcing our ingredients: Sicilian lemons

Hooray. It’s finally summer here in the UK. We thought we’ll celebrate by talking about the lovely ingredient of one of our favourite flavours – lemons. It’s not just any lemons though, we get ours from the true home of lemons: Sicily.

Why lemons?

Because when life gives you lemons, you make lemon mints.

After the success of our Peppermint mints, we wanted to introduce a new flavour for those of you who want to keep your gnashers healthy but who aren’t big fans of plain ol’ mint. So that’s why we created our lemon mints. They have a sweeter and more fruity taste, with a hint of mint in the background. Yum.

Unlike other mainstream brands that make lemon mints and gums, you won’t find any artificial flavours or powders in our lemon mints. We use real lemon oil extracted from the rinds of the lemon. For why that’s so important, read on below.

How we source our lemons

There’s an old saying in Sicily that lemons are not real lemons unless they’re Sicilian. So, to ensure our lemon mints are extra lemony, we decided to use real Sicilian lemons. The crème de la crème.

What’s so special about Sicilian lemons you may ask? They thrive in the sun-drenched Mediterranean climate of Sicily. The land around Mount Etna, the Mediterranean climate, sunny hot days and cold nights, coupled with volcanic soil, gives Sicilian lemons a unique sweetness and taste that can’t be found anywhere else in the world.

We use two different varieties, the Femminello and the Monachello, which are known for their balanced, zesty taste without the acidity or bitterness. The ones we use come from the winter harvest as we think those lemons taste the best.

lemons mint

The Femminello lemon variety is one of the most popular in Italy. They are famous for their distinct round shape and protruding nipples. Then we have the Monachello variety, which have a thick, bright yellow rind and a dimpled surface.

And just like with all of our ingredients, we use non-GMO lemons.

Why is lemon oil better than lemon juice?

Instead of using lemon juice or citric acid, which can damage your tooth enamel, we use lemon oil extracted from the rinds of the fruit. This means our mints are pH neutral and will not hurt your teeth.

So combined with the peppermint, the Sicilian Lemon Mint produces a tart yet refreshing/cleansing/uplifting taste. You decide.


Click here to purchase our Sicilian Lemon Xylitol Mints.

Photographs were taken from Vivi Limone and Specialty Produce

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