Q+A with EcoCoconut: Join the plastic free revolution

Plastic free household cleaning tools? We've met the perfect brand, EcoCoconut, who are on a mission to revolutionise "Plastic-Free". They have created kitchen and household cleaning brushes made from waste coconut husks that are 100% biodegradable and eco-friendly. Crystal, founder and marketing director, has given us some insider knowledge into the brand and we're super excited to be sharing it with you. 

Coconuts into kitchen tools? We love this idea and are so intrigued to find out how it came about. 

Thank you and we’re excited and honoured to be interviewed by Peppersmith. Many years ago, my friend and I started a business called "Live Whole Yoga" which used Coconut Yoga Mats made from Natural Tree Rubber.  "Live Whole Yoga" Mats led us to opportunities, people, and a pipeline of "plastic free" every day Coconut products that is now EcoCoconut. EcoCoconut was founded in 2016 with three other people who are all from Australia. 

What processes do the coconuts undergo during manufacturing?

Manufacturing processes are of the highest standards. Coconut is a renewable raw material that absorbs Carbon dioxide when growing. We use coconut fibres and husks that are left over from coconut food products, water, and oil production which would otherwise be wasted. EcoCoconut ensures that the whole coconut is being used so nothing is wasted.


From where do you source your lovely coconuts?

All Coconuts are ethically sourced in Sri Lanka.

How long do the kitchen products last compared to regular ones?

I use mine everyday and they last over 3 months or more. We recommend rinsing them under warm soapy water after use to keep them hygienically clean. As they last a long time and are extremely durable this makes them very affordable. When throwing away EcoCoconut you can throw it into your garden compost and not stress if it does land up in landfill - it won’t be around in 500 years time unlike plastic. 

As you guys are the experts, please can you expand on why we shouldn’t be using regular kitchen cleaning tools? 

Most common kitchen tools only last a couple of weeks before they’re thrown away. They hold harmful substances that go down the sink and have a negative impact on the eco-systems (tiny particles of micro plastics get into the water systems). Disposing of single use plastics (like common kitchen tools) are killing our wild life and oceans. We all have a responsibility to look deeply at what we can replace that is “FAST PLASTIC” in our homes in order to stop the devastating effects that single use plastics have on this planet.

When did you start-up and where do you see yourselves in 10 years?

We officially launched in Australia in 2016/17 and expanded quickly into the UK/EU as people were wanting our products. We see EcoCoconut being available to every single household globally. 

I’m sure lots of us are keen to try out your products, where can we get them from?

In the UK we are currently sold in all Planet Organic Stores and thousands of health shops and independent stores globally. For all readers of this article we are offering FREE SHIPPING online. Use Promo Code: TRIBEFREESHIPPING upon check out at www.ecococonut.com check us out at Instagram: EcoCoconut



We hope you are as excited as we are to get scrubbing and cleaning with EcoCoconut's cleaning tools. Don't forget to head over to their website for more details. 

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